Lompat ke isi

Modul:Template parameter value

Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

Implements {{Template parameter value}} and {{HasTemplate}}, and can be used from other modules.

Module functions

[beccè' sombher]


[beccè' sombher]

getParameter takes 4 arguments: The page name (string), the template/s (string or table of strings), the parameter (string), and an optional options table. It will return either true and the contents of the requested parameter or false and a reason for failure.

The following options are available:

  • template_index: Which occurance of the template to look for the parameter in (default: 1)
  • parameter_index: Which occurance of the parameter to look for (default: 1; only applies when ignore_subtemplates is false)
  • ignore_subtemplates: If parameters should only be searched for in the top-level template, ignoring the parameters in subtemplates (default: false)
  • only_subtemplates: If parameters should only be searched for in subtemplates of the top-level template (default: false)
  • ignore_blank: Whether or not blank values should count towards parameter_index (default: false)
  • treat_as_regex: Whether or not the template string(s) should be treated as a lua regex (default: false)


[beccè' sombher]

getTemplate takes 3 arguments: The page name (string), the template/s (string or table of strings), and an optional options table. It will return either true and the text of the requested template or false and a reason for failure.

getTemplate supports the options template_index and treat_as_regex options from getParameter.

Helper functions

[beccè' sombher]

The module exposes some of the helper functions used (matchAllTemplates, getParameters, and getAllParameters) for convenience. Each function has some comments above it in the code explaining its rough purpose.

Template functions

[beccè' sombher]

main implements {{Template parameter value}} and acts as a template wrapper for getParameter.

hasTemplate implements {{HasTemplate}} and somewhat acts as a wrapper for getTemplate (it only provides if the template was found, not the template text itself).


[beccè' sombher]

Testcases are available at Module talk:Template parameter value/testcases

local p = {}
local PrepareText = require("Module:Wikitext Parsing").PrepareText

local function getTitle(title)
	local success, titleObj = pcall(mw.title.new, title)
	if success then return titleObj
	else return nil end

--string.gmatch will check the largest block it can without re-scanning whats inside, but we need whats inside
local function matchAllTemplates(str)
	local matches = {}
	for template in string.gmatch(str, "{%b{}}") do
		table.insert(matches, template)
		local innerContent = string.sub(template, 3, -3)
		for _,subtemplate in next,matchAllTemplates(innerContent) do
			table.insert(matches, subtemplate)
	return matches

--Forked version of getParameters from [[Module:Transcluder]] with extra features removed
local function escapeString(str)
	return string.gsub(str, '[%^%$%(%)%.%[%]%*%+%-%?%%]', '%%%0')
local function getParameters(template)
	local parameters, parameterOrder = {}, {}
	local params = string.match(template, '{{[^|}]-|(.*)}}')
	if params then
		local count = 0
		-- Temporarily replace pipes in subtemplates and wikilinks to avoid chaos
		for subtemplate in string.gmatch(params, '{%b{}}') do
			params = string.gsub(params, escapeString(subtemplate), string.gsub(subtemplate, ".", {["%"]="%%", ["|"]="@@:@@", ["="]="@@_@@"}) )
		for wikilink in string.gmatch(params, '%[%b[]%]') do
			params = string.gsub(params, escapeString(wikilink), string.gsub(wikilink, ".", {["%"]="%%", ["|"]="@@:@@", ["="]="@@_@@"}) )
		for parameter in mw.text.gsplit(params, '|') do
			local parts = mw.text.split(parameter, '=')
			local key = mw.text.trim(parts[1])
			local value
			if #parts == 1 then
				value = key
				count = count + 1
				key = tostring(count)
				value = mw.text.trim(table.concat(parts, '=', 2))
			value = string.gsub(string.gsub(value, '@@:@@', '|'), '@@_@@', '=')
			key = string.gsub(string.gsub(key, '@@:@@', '|'), '@@_@@', '=')
			table.insert(parameterOrder, key)
			parameters[key] = value
	return parameters, parameterOrder

-- Returns a table containing parameters and a table with the order in which each of their values were found.
-- Since this considers all subtemplates, a single parameter is expected to have multiple values.
-- E.g. {{ABC|X={{DEF|X=Value|Y=Other value}}{{ABC|X=Yes}}|Y=P}}
-- Would return {X={"{{DEF|X=Value|Y=Other value}}", "Value", "Yes"}, Y={"Other value", "P"}}
local function getAllParameters(template, ignore_blank, only_subtemplates)
	local parameterTree = setmetatable({}, {
		__index = function(self,key)
			return rawget(self,key)
	local params, paramOrder = getParameters(template)
	for _,key in ipairs(paramOrder) do
		local value = params[key]
		if not ignore_blank or value ~= "" then
			if not only_subtemplates then
				table.insert(parameterTree[key], value) --Insert the initial value into the tree
			for subtemplate in string.gmatch(value, "{%b{}}") do --And now check for subvalues
				local subparams = getAllParameters(subtemplate, ignore_blank)
				for subkey,subset in next,subparams do
					for _,subvalue in ipairs(subset) do
						table.insert(parameterTree[subkey], subvalue) --And add any we find to our tree
	return parameterTree

--Module entry point. Returns a success boolean and either the target template or why it failed
function p.getTemplate(page, templates, options)
	if not templates then --Required parameters
		return false, "Missing required parameter 'templates'"
	options = options or {}
	local template_index = tonumber(options.template_index) or 1
	local treat_as_regex = options.treat_as_regex or false
	if type(templates) == "string" then
		-- TODO: Find a good way to allow specifying multiple templates via template invocation
		-- (Modules can just provide a table so no concerns there)
		-- Comma splitting is a bad idea (lots of templates have a comma in their name)
		templates = {templates}
	local title = getTitle(page)
	if title == nil then
		return false, "Requested title doesn't exist"
	local content = PrepareText(title:getContent() or "")
	local foundTemplates = 0
	for _,template in next,matchAllTemplates(content) do
		for _,wantedTemplate in pairs(templates) do
			if not treat_as_regex then
				wantedTemplate = escapeString(wantedTemplate)
			local firstLetter = string.sub(wantedTemplate, 1, 1)
			local firstUpper, firstLower = firstLetter:upper(), firstLetter:lower()
			if firstUpper ~= firstLower then
				wantedTemplate = "[" .. firstUpper .. firstLower .. "]" .. string.sub(wantedTemplate, 2)
			if string.match(template, "^{{%s*"..wantedTemplate.."%s*[|}]") then
				foundTemplates = foundTemplates + 1
				if foundTemplates == template_index then --Found our wanted template
					return true, template
	return false, "No valid template found"

--Module entry point. Returns a success boolean and either the target parameter's value or why it failed
function p.getParameter(page, templates, parameter, options)
	if not (templates and parameter) then --Required parameters
		return false, "Missing required parameters 'templates' and 'parameter'"
	parameter = tostring(parameter) --Force consistency
	options = options or {}
	local success, text = p.getTemplate(page, templates, options)
	if not success then
		return success, text
		local parameter_index = tonumber(options.parameter_index) or 1
		local ignore_subtemplates = options.ignore_subtemplates or false
		local only_subtemplates = options.only_subtemplates or false
		local ignore_blank = options.ignore_blank or false

		local value
		if ignore_subtemplates then
			value = getParameters(text)[parameter] or ""
			local params = getAllParameters(text, ignore_blank, only_subtemplates)
			value = params[parameter][parameter_index] or ""

		value = string.gsub(value, "</?%a*include%a*>", "")
		value = mw.text.trim(value) --technically wrong in some cases but not a big issue
		return true, mw.text.decode(value) --decode due to PrepareText

--Template entry point. Returns either "yes" or nothing depending on if the wanted template is found
--Will return error text if no template is provided
function p.hasTemplate(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame)
	local yesno = require("Module:Yesno")
	local page = args[1] or args.page
	local template = args[2] or args.template
	local template_index = tonumber(args[3] or args.N) or 1
	if not template or template == "" then
		return '<span class="error">No template provided for hasTemplate</span>'
	local follow = yesno(args.follow) or false
	if follow then
		page = require("Module:Redirect").luaMain(page)
	local options = {
		template_index = template_index,
		treat_as_regex = yesno(args.treat_as_regex) or false,

	local success, _ = p.getTemplate(page, template, options)
	return success and "yes" or ""

--Template entry point for getParameter. Returns an empty string upon failure
function p.main(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
		wrappers = 'Template:Template parameter value'
	local yesno = require("Module:Yesno")
	local options = {
		template_index = args[3] or args.template_index,
		parameter_index = args[5] or args.parameter_index,
		ignore_subtemplates = yesno(args.ignore_subtemplates or args.ist) or false,
		only_subtemplates = yesno(args.only_subtemplates) or false,
		ignore_blank = yesno(args.ignore_blank) or false,
		treat_as_regex = yesno(args.treat_as_regex) or false,
	local page = args[1] or args.page
	local template = args[2] or args.template
	local parameter = args[4] or args.parameter
	local success, result = p.getParameter(page, template, parameter, options)
	if not success then
		return ""
		if args.dontprocess then
			return result
			return frame:preprocess(result)

--Backwards compatability
p.getValue = p.getParameter
--Potentially useful module entry points
p.matchAllTemplates = matchAllTemplates
p.getParameters = getParameters
p.getAllParameters = getAllParameters

return p