TemplateStyles' src
attribute must not be empty.
Modul panèka kaèngkobhi. Modul nèka mèlaghis kantara sè èyangghuy kelabân andhân kaca, otabâ segghut èsubstitusi'aghi. Lakaran vandalisme otabâ kaklèrowan abhâdhi pangaro dâ' andhân kaca, tor beccè'an kèni' kèngèng maparèng tompoan rajâ dâ' server, modul nèka èsabhi, èlinḍhungè otabâ è'èngkobhi sabâgiyân ḍâri sabhârâng pameccè'an. |
This is a Lua implementation of the {{indent}} template. Please see the template page for documentation.
local p = {}
function p.indent(frame)
-- Trim whitespace from the arguments and remove blank values.
local args = {}
if type(frame.args) == 'table' then
for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do
v = mw.text.trim(v)
if v ~= '' then
args[k] = v
-- Set variables.
local indent = tonumber( args[1] )
local br = args[2]
local ret = ''
-- Insert line breaks to match the functionality of the original template.
-- If "br" is set, we need two line breaks; if not, we just need one.
if br then
ret = ret .. '<br />'
ret = ret .. '<br />'
-- Control for bad or zero input. If found, output the line breaks only,
-- as this was the previous behaviour of the template.
if not indent or indent <= 0 or math.floor(indent) ~= indent then
return ret
-- Generate the indents. The first four cases are special.
if indent == 1 then
return ret .. ' '
elseif indent == 2 then
return ret .. ' '
elseif indent == 3 then
return ret .. '   '
elseif indent == 4 then
return ret .. '   '
-- Set variables for generating the output after indent == 5.
local r = {}
r.base = ' ' -- Common text to all output.
r.rep = '   ' -- The text to repeat.
r.mod1 = ' ' -- To return on modulo 1.
r.mod2 = '  ' -- To return on modulo 2.
r.mod3 = '   ' -- To return on modulo 3.
-- New iteratorText values needed at 5, 9, 13, 17, etc., so repeat the
-- text (indent - 1)/4 times and find the remainder.
local reps = math.floor( (indent - 1) / 4 )
local remainder = math.fmod( indent - 1, 4 )
-- Generate the indent text.
ret = ret .. r.base .. mw.ustring.rep( r.rep, reps )
if remainder >= 1 and remainder <= 3 then
ret = ret .. r[ 'mod' .. remainder ]
return ret
return p