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Ini adalah halaman dokumentasi untuk Modul:Docbunto

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

DescriptionIs an automatic documentation generator for Scribunto modules.
Author(s)8nml (Fandom Dev Wiki)
Code sourceDocbunto
Using code by@stevedonovan (GitHub)

Docbunto is an automatic documentation generator for Scribunto modules. The module is based on LuaDoc and LDoc. It produces documentation in the form of MediaWiki markup, using @tag-prefixed comments embedded in the source code of a Scribunto module. The taglet parser & doclet renderer Docbunto uses are also publicly exposed to other modules.

Docbunto code items are introduced by a block comment (--[[]]--), an inline comment with three hyphens (---), or an inline @tag comment. The module can use static code analysis to infer variable names, item privacy (local keyword), tables ({} constructor) and functions (function keyword). MediaWiki and Markdown formatting is supported.

Items are usually rendered in the order they are defined, if they are public items, or emulated classes extending the Lua primitives. There are many customisation options available to change Docbunto behaviour.

See Fandom Dev Wiki for full instructions.


Package items

docbunto._main(args) (function)
Entrypoint for the module in a format easier for other modules to call.
Parameter: args Module arguments. (table)
Returns: Module documentation output. (string)
docbunto.main(frame) (function)
Entrypoint for the module.
Parameter: frame Module frame. (table)
Returns: Module documentation output. (string)
docbunto.build(modname, options) (function)
Scribunto documentation generator entrypoint.
modname Module page name (without namespace). Default: second-level subpage. (string; optional)
options Configuration options. (table; optional)
options.all Include local items in documentation. (boolean; optional)
options.autodoc Whether this is being called automatically to fill in missing documentation. (boolean; optional)
options.boilerplate Removal of boilerplate (license block comments). (boolean; optional)
options.caption Infobox image caption. (string; optional)
options.code Only document Docbunto code items - exclude article infobox and lede from rendered documentation. Permits article to be edited in VisualEditor. (boolean; optional)
options.colon Format tags with a : suffix and without the @ prefix. This bypasses the "doctag soup" some authors complain of. (boolean; optional)
options.image Infobox image. (string; optional)
options.noluaref Don't link to the Lua reference manual for types. (boolean; optional)
options.plain Disable Markdown formatting in documentation. (boolean; optional)
options.preface Preface text to insert between lede & item documentation, used to provide usage and code examples. (string; optional)
options.simple Limit documentation to descriptions only. Removes documentation of subitem tags such as @param and @field (see list). (boolean; optional)
options.sort Sort documentation items in alphabetical order. (boolean; optional)
options.strip Remove table index in documentation. (boolean; optional)
options.ulist Indent subitems as <ul> lists (LDoc/JSDoc behaviour). (boolean; optional)
docbunto.taglet(modname, options) (function)
Docbunto taglet parser for Scribunto modules.
modname Module page name (without namespace). (string; optional)
options Configuration options. (table; optional)
'Lua source code not found in $1' (string; line 938)
'documentation markup for Docbunto not found in $1' (string; line 944)
Returns: Module documentation data. (table)
docbunto.doclet(data, options) (function)
Doclet renderer for Docbunto taglet data.
data Taglet documentation data. (table)
options Configuration options. (table; optional)
Returns: Wikitext documentation output. (string)
docbunto.tags (table)
Token dictionary for Docbunto tags. Maps Docbunto tag names to tag tokens.
  • Multi-line tags use the 'M' token.
  • Multi-line preformatted tags use the 'ML' token.
  • Identifier tags use the 'ID' token.
  • Single-line tags use the 'S' token.
  • Flags use the 'N' token.
  • Type tags use the 'T' token.