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Modul:Category main article/doc

Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika

Ini adalah halaman dokumentasi untuk Modul:Category main article

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

This module produces hatnote saying "The main article for this category is x." It implements the {{Category main article}} template.

Use from wikitext

[beccè' sombher]

This module should usually be used via the {{Category main article}} template. However, it can also be used from #invoke with the syntax {{#invoke:Category main article|catMain|parameters}}. Please see the {{Category main article}} template documentation for available parameters.

Use from other Lua modules

[beccè' sombher]

Load the module:

local mCatMain = require('Module:Category main article')

You can then use the _catMain function like this:

mCatMain._catMain(options, ...)

options is an optional table that can be used to configure the function's output. There are two available options, "article" and "selfref".

  • article - if this is set to false, "no", "n", "false", or 0, the module outputs "The main page" rather than "The main article". Use the code {article = false}.
  • selfref - this is used when the output is a self-reference to Wikipedia. To set this option, use {selfref = true}. (See the {{selfref}} template for more details on self-references.)

The remaining arguments are page names to be turned into link(s) following the text "The main article for this category is". If no page names are specified, the current page name (minus the namespace name) is used for the first link.

Example 1
mCatMain._catMain(nil, 'Foo')


<div class="hatnote relarticle mainarticle">The main article for this [[Help:Categories|category]] is '''[[Foo]]'''.</div>

Displays as:

Example 2
mCatMain._catMain(nil, 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz')


<div class="hatnote relarticle mainarticle">The main articles for this [[Help:Categories|category]] are '''[[Foo]]''', '''[[Bar]]''' and '''[[Baz]]'''.</div>

Displays as:

Example 3
mCatMain._catMain({article = false}, 'Foo')


<div class="hatnote relarticle mainarticle">The main page for this [[Help:Categories|category]] is '''[[Foo]]'''.</div>

Displays as:

Technical details

[beccè' sombher]

This module uses Module:Hatnote to format the hatnote text.