Lompat ke isi

Modul:Annotated link

Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

{{#invoke:Annotated link|main

  |name= |display= |quote= |abbr= |abbr_title= |template_link= |aka= |wedge= |dash= |desc_first_letter_case= |space_cat= |prefix_parentheses=

  |link_lang= |link_lang_italic= |link_lang_nocat= |link_lang_size= |link_lang_cat= |link_lang_rtl=

  |aka_lang= |aka_lang_italic= |aka_lang_nocat= |aka_lang_size= |aka_lang_cat= |aka_lang_rtl=

  |wedge_lang= |wedge_lang_italic= |wedge_lang_nocat= |wedge_lang_size= |wedge_lang_cat= |wedge_lang_rtl=

  |only= |prefer= |fallback=

  |desc_lang_italic= |desc_lang_nocat= |desc_lang_size= |desc_lang_cat= |desc_lang_rtl= |desc_lang_no=


By providing only the required page name (including namespace), the module will use Module:GetShortDescription to look for an explicit {{short description}} in that page, but if not found, will try to fetch the wikidata description. This is equivalent to stating |prefer=explicit; see #prefer (below). If a description is found, it will be appended to a link created for the named page in the style expected for the likes of . If no description is found, the link will be created but no extra information will be appended – unless the extensive following parameters are employed.

Any foreign language (i.e. not en) text supplied to this module or retrieved by Module:GetShortDescription may be appropriately formatted, in accordance with , via the parameters for Module:Lang; see #Foreign language text (below).

As this module is responsible for the use of all features of Module:GetShortDescription; all the parameters for that module are available through this module; see #Module:GetShortDescription parameters (below).

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=The Partisan }}
Result: The Partisan

This and the following example song titles should be double quoted per ; that will be handled by #quote (below), and you will see the parameters in use where appropriate from here on.

Providing a value for |display= will format the piped link with a display string:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=Jump (Every Little Thing song) |display=Jump |quote=yes }}
Result: "Jump"

Stating |quote=yes will double quote the link:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=The Partisan |quote=yes }}
Result: "The Partisan"
Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=Jump (Every Little Thing song) |display=Jump |quote=yes }}
Result: "Jump"

Providing a value for |abbr= will append the link with the provided parenthesized abbreviation with <abbr>...</abbr> semantic markup:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques |display=World Underwater Federation |abbr=CMAS }}
Result: World Underwater Federation (CMAS)

An optional |abbr_title= may be provided:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques |display=World Underwater Federation |abbr=CMAS |abbr_title=Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques }}
Result: World Underwater Federation (CMAS)
[beccè' sombher]

If the linked page is in the Template namespace; the link will be formatted in the manner expected by {{template link}}:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=Template:Annotated link }}
Result: {{Annotated link}}

Stating |template_link=code will display the link formatted with <code>...</code>:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=Template:Annotated link |template_link=code }}
Result: {{Annotated link}}

The previously described parameters – |display=, |quote=, |abbr= and |abbr_title= – and all foreign language link options under |link_lang= (see #Foreign language text (below)) will be ignored if the link is in the Template namespace.

Stating |template_link=no will disable this special link formatting and the ignorance of the above-mentioned parameters:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=Template:Annotated link |template_link=no |display=Annotated link }}
Result: Annotated link

Providing a value for |aka= will append the link (and |abbr= if provided) with a useful alternative name:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=The Partisan |quote=yes |aka=La Complainte du partisan }}
Result: "The Partisan", also known as La Complainte du partisan
Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques |display=World Underwater Federation |abbr=CMAS |aka=Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques }}
Result: World Underwater Federation (CMAS), also known as Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques

These and some following examples contain foreign language text that, per , should be appropriately displayed and declared via HTML markup as being of that language; this will be handled by various parameters; see #Foreign language text (below) for full details, and you will see the parameters in use where appropriate from here on.

Providing a value for |wedge= will append the link (and |abbr= and |aka= in that order if either or both is provided) with any extra details felt suitable:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=The Partisan |quote=yes |wedge=from the album ''[[Songs from a Room]]'' |aka=La Complainte du partisan |aka_lang=fr }}
Result: "The Partisan", also known as La Complainte du partisan, from the album Songs from a Room

For complementary foreign language params; see #Foreign language text (below).

For list consistency, per ; by providing a value for |dash=; the dash between the short description and the preceding text may be exchanged for a suitable alternative:

Markup: {{#invoke:Annotated link|main |name=The Partisan |quote=yes |dash=, }}
Result: "The Partisan"


[beccè' sombher]

Short descriptions on en Wikipedia should be formatted with an uppercase first letter, but the typical application of this module will require the first character to be lowercase. By default; this module will ensure all the short descriptions retrieved by Module:GetShortDescription are transformed to start with a lowercase first letter, but this may be overridden if required using |desc_first_letter_case=upper or |desc_first_letter_case=lower.


[beccè' sombher]

Sometimes date ranges in short descriptions are included in a suffixed parenthetical, per WP:SDDATES e.g. for Jimmy Wales: "Co-founder of Wikipedia (born 1966)".

However when listing people in disambiguation pages per , birth and death dates in parentheticals should precede the comma, as in "Jimmy Wales (born 1966), co-founder of Wikipedia".

If the optional parameter |prefix_parentheses=y is provided, this behavior will be performed, so any suffixed parenthetical text will be moved to before the dash (or comma) separator.

Note that current consensus is to not use {{annotated link}} for disambiguation pages; see Template:Annotated link/doc#Usage.


[beccè' sombher]

In the event that a short description with no spaces is retrieved and displayed; pages transcluding the annotation will be added to Category:Pages displaying short descriptions with no spaces via Module:Annotated link for interested editors to monitor for potential issues. Potential issues might include: garbage keyboard mashings, a typo of "none" while attempting to disable an explicit {{short description}} or some misunderstanding on the part of an editor placing one.

If the transclusion on a page in this category is checked and it is determined to be okay; stating a value for |space_cat= in the invocation will disable the categorisation. This should only be done on a case by cases basis, as opposed to as a default, or no potentially inappropriate annotations will be categorised; i.e. allow this parameter to be set in individual transclusions of templates which invoke this module, like {{annotated link}}, rather than in the template code.

Module:GetShortDescription parameters

[beccè' sombher]

The value provided with |name= is passed through this module to Module:GetShortDescription where it is also required; the expectations of this module are described in #name (above). Module:GetShortDescription uses the value to find a {{short description}} in the named page, or various alternatives depending on parameter values.

Providing a value for |only= will limit the search to being only for the stated description. If no description is found, the result will be an empty string, unless a fallback is provided; see #fallback (below).

Stating |only=explicit will limit the search to only short descriptions set by use of {{short description}} on the searched page.
Stating |only=wikidata will limit the search to only wikidata descriptions.

Providing a value for |prefer= will initiate the search for the stated description, but try for the alternative if none is found. If no description is found, the result will be an empty string, unless a fallback is provided; see #fallback (below).

State |prefer=explicit to use the explicit short description if available, or try for the wikidata description if not.
State |prefer=wikidata to use the wikidata description if available, or try for an explicit short description if not.


[beccè' sombher]

If a |fallback= value is provided, and no description is found by the expressed route, the appended description will be the stated fallback value.

Foreign language text

[beccè' sombher]

Module:GetShortDescription may return a foreign language (i.e. not en) wikidata description; editor discretion determines if that should be displayed. If it is displayed; it will be in accordance with , by Module:Lang (the module powering {{lang}}). The appropriate language code will be set automatically, but all other parameters of {{lang}} are available to affect the formatting of the returned description:

Use |lang_italic=, |lang_nocat=, |lang_size=, |lang_cat= and |lang_rtl=; see lang's documentation for details.

If the editor determines that {{lang}} formatting is not appropriate; it may be disabled with |lang_no=yes. The following {{lang}} formatting parameters are optional, so there is no off-switch required.

[beccè' sombher]

If the link text is of a foreign language (again; editor discretion); control the formatting with: |link_lang=<language code>, |link_lang_italic=, |link_lang_nocat=, |link_lang_size=, |link_lang_cat= and |link_lang_rtl=


[beccè' sombher]

If the |aka= text is of a foreign language (again; editor discretion); control the formatting with: |aka_lang=<language code>, |aka_lang_italic=, |aka_lang_nocat=, |aka_lang_size=, |aka_lang_cat=, |aka_lang_rtl=


[beccè' sombher]

If the |wedge= text is of a foreign language (again; editor discretion); control the formatting with: |wedge_lang=<language code>, |wedge_lang_italic=, |wedge_lang_nocat=, |wedge_lang_size=, |wedge_lang_cat=, |wedge_lang_rtl=

local function pipedLink(name, display) return '[[:'..name..'|'..display..']]' end

local function isEmpty(value) return value == nil or value == '' end

local function notEmpty(value) return not isEmpty(value) end

-- Unescape functionality grabbed from https://stackoverflow.com/a/14899740/1832568
local function unescape(str)
	str = string.gsub(str, '&#(%d+);', string.char)
	str = string.gsub(str, '&#x(%d+);', function(d) return string.char(tonumber(d, 16)) end)
	return str

local function hashDelimitedList(list_string) return mw.text.gsplit(unescape(list_string), '%s*#%s*') end

local function alarmingMessage(message)
	return '<span style="color:#d33">[[Module:Annotated link]] '..message..'.</span>'..
		'[[Category:Pages displaying alarming messages about Module:Annotated link]]'

local function optionallyVisibleCategory(class, category)
	return '<span style="display:none" class="'..class..'">'..category..
		'</span>[[Category:'..category..' via Module:Annotated link]]'

local function handleFirstLetterCase(short_description, case)
	return mw.ustring.gsub(short_description, '^([^%d])', function(first_char)
		if case == 'upper' then
			return mw.ustring.upper(first_char)
		return mw.ustring.lower(first_char) end

local mLang = require('Module:Lang')
local function langify(args)
	local lang = args.lang
	local text = args.text
	if isEmpty(lang) or lang == 'en' then
		return text
	return mLang._lang {
		italic = args.italic,
		nocat = args.nocat,
		size = args.size,
		cat = args.cat,
		rtl = args.rtl

local function formatResult(result, dash, description, prefix_parentheses)
	if notEmpty(description) then
		if prefix_parentheses then
			local startIdx = description:find("%(")
			if startIdx then
				 local beforeParens = description:sub(1, startIdx - 2)
				 local insideParens = description:sub(startIdx, -1)
				 return result..' '..insideParens..dash..' '..beforeParens
		return result..dash..' '..description
	return result

local function annotatedLink(args)
	local name = args.name
	if isEmpty(name) then
		return alarmingMessage('requires a page name (including namespace)')
	-- In order to handle an attempt to annotate a template link
	-- already formatted with the likes of {{tl|<template name>}};
	-- unescape name to make sense of braces in lua patern matching.
	name = unescape(name)
	if name:match('^{%b{}}$') then
		-- The possibility to extract useful data exists here: e.g. {{tl*|Template}}.
		return alarmingMessage(
			'requires only a page name (including namespace) without markup. '..
			'If an attempt is being made to annotate a link to a template, '..
			'provide only the template name with namespace e.g. "Template:Example"')
	-- If a literal link was provided as name;
	-- extract the content and apply it to name and display as appropriate.
	local wikilink = mw.ustring.match(name, '^%[%[%s*:*%s*(.-)%s*%]%]$')
	if wikilink then
		local link_name, link_display = unpack(mw.text.split(wikilink, '%s*|%s*'))
		if link_name then
			name = link_name
		if link_display and isEmpty(args.display) then
			args.display = link_display
	-- Prepare to concatenate.
	local result
	local is_template = name:match('^Template:(.+)$')
	local template_link = args.template_link
	if is_template and template_link ~= 'no' then
		result = '{{'..pipedLink(name, is_template)..'}}'
		if template_link == 'code' then
			result = '<code>'..result..'</code>'
		local display = args.display
		if isEmpty(display) then
			display = name
		result = langify({
			lang = args.link_lang,
			text = pipedLink(name, display),
			italic = args.link_lang_italic,
			nocat = args.link_lang_nocat,
			size = args.link_lang_size,
			cat = args.link_lang_cat,
			rtl = args.link_lang_rtl
		if notEmpty(args.quote) then
			result = '"'..result..'"'
		local abbr = args.abbr
		if notEmpty(abbr) then
			result = result..' (<abbr'
			local abbr_title = args.abbr_title
			if notEmpty(abbr_title) then
				result = result..' title="'..abbr_title..'"'
			result = result..'>'..abbr..'</abbr>)'
	if isEmpty(result) then
		return alarmingMessage('could not create a link for "'..name..'"')
	local aka = args.aka
	if notEmpty(aka) then
		result = result..', also known as '..langify({
			lang = args.aka_lang,
			text = aka,
			italic = args.aka_lang_italic,
			nocat = args.aka_lang_nocat,
			size = args.aka_lang_size,
			cat = args.aka_lang_cat,
			rtl = args.aka_lang_rtl
	local wedge = args.wedge
	if notEmpty(wedge) then
		result = result..', '..langify({
			lang = args.wedge_lang,
			text = wedge,
			italic = args.wedge_lang_italic,
			nocat = args.wedge_lang_nocat,
			size = args.wedge_lang_size,
			cat = args.wedge_lang_cat,
			rtl = args.wedge_lang_rtl
	-- Exclude wikidata fallback for any specified list of link titles,
	-- unless explicity instructed that it's okay.
	local not_wikidata_for_links_starting_with = args.not_wikidata_for_links_starting_with
	if isEmpty(args.wikidata) and notEmpty(not_wikidata_for_links_starting_with) then
		for only_explicit in hashDelimitedList(not_wikidata_for_links_starting_with) do
			if name:match('^'..only_explicit) then
				args.only = 'explicit'
	-- Get the short description from Module:GetShortDescription.
	local short_description = require('Module:GetShortDescription').main({
		none_is_valid = args.none_is_valid,
		none_is_nil = args.none_is_nil,
		lang_italic = args.desc_lang_italic,
		lang_nocat = args.desc_lang_nocat,
		lang_size = args.desc_lang_size,
		lang_cat = args.desc_lang_cat,
		lang_rtl = args.desc_lang_rtl,
		lang_no = args.desc_lang_no,
		prefer = args.prefer,
		only = args.only,
		name = name
	local dash = args.dash
	if isEmpty(dash) then
		dash = '&nbsp;–'

	local fallback = args.fallback

	if isEmpty(short_description) or short_description.redlink then
		return formatResult(result, dash, fallback, args.prefix_parentheses)
	if short_description.alarm then
		return short_description.alarm
	local maintenance = ''
	if short_description.redirected then
		maintenance = optionallyVisibleCategory(
			'Pages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets')
	local fellback
	if short_description.wikidata then
		if short_description.fellback then
			fellback = true
			maintenance = maintenance..optionallyVisibleCategory(
				'Pages displaying wikidata descriptions as a fallback')
		short_description = short_description.wikidata
		-- Filter against likely rubbish wikidata descriptions.
		local not_wikidata_descriptions_including = args.not_wikidata_descriptions_including
		if notEmpty(not_wikidata_descriptions_including) then
			-- Case insentive matching.
			local lower_case_short_description = short_description:lower()
			for exclusion in hashDelimitedList(not_wikidata_descriptions_including:lower()) do
				if lower_case_short_description:match(exclusion) then
					short_description = ''
		if isEmpty(short_description) then
			return formatResult(result, dash, fallback, args.prefix_parentheses)
		short_description = short_description.explicit
	local lower_case_name = name:lower()
	if notEmpty(short_description) and not short_description:match(' ') then
		-- Filter against likely rubbish single word descriptions.
		local lower_case_short_description = short_description:lower()
		local not_single_word = args.not_single_word
		if notEmpty(not_single_word) then
			-- Case insentive matching.
			for single_word in hashDelimitedList(not_single_word:lower()) do
				if single_word == lower_case_short_description then
					short_description = ''
		if isEmpty(short_description) or lower_case_name:match(lower_case_short_description) then
			return formatResult(result, dash, fallback, args.prefix_parentheses)
		if isEmpty(args.space_cat) then
			maintenance = maintenance..optionallyVisibleCategory(
				'Pages displaying short descriptions with no spaces')
	if lower_case_name == short_description:lower() then
		if fellback then
			return formatResult(result, dash, fallback, args.prefix_parentheses)
		maintenance = maintenance..optionallyVisibleCategory(
			'Pages displaying short descriptions matching their page name')
-- Short descriptions on en Wikipedia should be formatted with an uppercase first letter, but
-- the typical application of this module will require the first character to be lowercase, but
-- some descriptions may start with proper names and should start with an uppercase letter even if used in an annotaion.
-- By default; this module will not affect the first letter case of descriptions retrieved by Module:GetShortDescription, but
-- the first letter case may be transformed explicitly if required.
	local desc_first_letter_case = args.desc_first_letter_case
	if desc_first_letter_case == 'upper' or desc_first_letter_case == 'lower' then
		short_description = handleFirstLetterCase(short_description, desc_first_letter_case)
	return formatResult(result, dash, (short_description or fallback)..maintenance, args.prefix_parentheses)

local p = {}

function p.main(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments' ).getArgs(frame)
	if isEmpty(args) then
		return alarmingMessage('could not getArgs') -- This really would be alarming.
	return annotatedLink(args)

return p