
Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika

Mastitis iyâ arèya panyakè' sè segghut kennèng ka embu' sè parappa'en anyoso bhâji'.[1][2][3] Panyakè' rèya aropaaghi peradangan è soso bân bâḍâ ra-mèra è kolè'na sampè' puting soso. Kabâḍâ'ân rèya biyasana segghut dhingla bhâji' omor 3 bulân.

Macemma mastitis bâḍâ ḍuwâ' yakni:

  1. Mastitis tanpa infeksi (stasis ASI) yakni èsabâbaghi penyumbatan jaringan ASI, akhèrra dhâddhi penumpukan è ḍâlem soso sampè' bengka' bhân torkadhâng radang.
  2. Mastitis infeksi karana bakteri staphylococcus aureus.

Ḍhâ-tanḍhâ[beccè' | beccè' sombher]

  1. Lesso
  2. Suhu bhâdhân tègghi
  3. Demam
  4. Soso tel-ghâtel.
  5. Kolè' soso ra-mèra
  6. Bengka'.
  7. Soso nyèlo.
  8. Bâḍâ benjolan sè sakè'.
  9. Sakè' parappa'en nyosoè
  10. Bâḍâ nana è puting

Sombher[beccè' | beccè' sombher]

  1. Berens PD (December 2015). "Breast Pain: Engorgement, Nipple Pain, and Mastitis". Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 58 (4): 902–14. doi:10.1097/GRF.0000000000000153. PMID 26512442. S2CID 13006527.
  2. The Worldwatch Institute (2015). State of the World 2006: Special Focus: China and India. Island Press. p. 36. ISBN 978-1-61091-633-2.
  3. Ratcliffe SD (2008). Family Medicine Obstetrics. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 634. ISBN 978-0-323-04306-9.