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Cèṭa'an:Zero width space

Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika
Dokumentasi cèṭaan[tèngghu] [beccè] [sejarah] [purge]
TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

Galat: tidak ada pintasan yang ditentukan |msg= parameter tidak ditentukan.

{{Zwsp}} inserts the code ​ literally, which produces a local p = {}

local Unicode_data = require "Module:Unicode data"

local function errorf(level, ...) if type(level) == "number" then return error(string.format(...), level + 1) else -- level is actually the format string. return error(string.format(level, ...), 2) end end

-- from Template:Unichar

local styles = { smallcaps = 'class="smallcaps" style="font-variant: small-caps; font-size: smaller;"', monospace = 'style="font-family: monospace, monospace;"', -- why repeat it? background_color = 'style="background: lightblue;"', -- for space characters } local function style(text, type) if not styles[type] then errorf("Style %s not recognized", type) end return ('%s'):format(styles[type], text) end

local U = mw.ustring.char local function show(codepoint) -- Format characters that at least are visible to me. -- The parentheses will short-circuit the evaluation of some of the conditions. -- Arabic number sign, Arabic sign sanah, Arabic footnote marker, Arabic sign safha, Arabic sign samvat if 0x600 <= codepoint and (codepoint <= 0x604 -- Arabic end of ayah, Syriac abbreviation mark, Arabic disputed end of ayah or codepoint == 0x6DD or codepoint == 0x70F or codepoint == 0x8E2 -- interlinear annotation anchor, separator, terminator or 0xFFF9 <= codepoint and (codepoint <= 0xFFFB -- shorthand format letter overlap, continuing overlap, downstep or 0x1BCA0 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0x1BCA3)) or Unicode_data.is_printable(codepoint) then local printed_codepoint = U(codepoint) if mw.ustring.toNFC(printed_codepoint) ~= printed_codepoint then -- Prevent MediaWiki software from normalizing the character. printed_codepoint = ("&#x%X;"):format(codepoint) end if Unicode_data.is_combining(codepoint) then printed_codepoint = "◌" .. printed_codepoint end if Unicode_data.is_whitespace(codepoint) then printed_codepoint = style(printed_codepoint, "background_color") end return printed_codepoint else return "" end end

local function u_plus(codepoint) return ("U+%04X"):format(codepoint) end

local function get_codepoint(args, arg) local val = args[arg] local is_negative = false

if type(val) ~= "string" then errorf("code point in hexadecimal expected, got %s", type(val)) elseif val:find('^%s*%-') then -- Negative number strings yield a bizarre value: -- tonumber("-1", 16) -> 1.844674407371e+19. -- Strip initial minus. val = val:match("%-(.+)") is_negative = true end

local codepoint = tonumber(val, 16) or errorf("code point in hexadecimal expected, got %q", val)

if is_negative then codepoint = -codepoint end

if not (0 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0x10FFFF) then errorf("code point %d out of range", codepoint) end

return codepoint end

function p.unichar(frame) local args = frame.args[1] and frame.args or frame:getParent().args local codepoint = get_codepoint(args, 1)

local name_or_label = Unicode_data.lookup_name(codepoint) local is_label = name_or_label:sub(1, 1) == "<"

return ("%s %s %s"):format( style(u_plus(codepoint), "monospace"), show(codepoint), is_label and name_or_label or style(name_or_label, "smallcaps")) end

return p in the rendered wiki-page.

This is a convenience template for the zero-width space character, U+200B (&#x200B;).
It is completely invisible in display, but has the effect of acting as a multi-line breaking point for text inside a word that otherwise would not break. Whitespace and normal dashes (-) are already multi-line breakpoints, but this template allows the special insertion of invisible breakpoints inside words.

The zero-width space character has a higher breaking priority than the hyphen character (-), so when using it in a phrase with hyphen, it is recommended to place a zero-width space immediately after each hyphen as well.

See also

[beccè' sombher]