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Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika

Icons to show fluctuation

[beccè' sombher]

This templatedata is intended to be generic and apply to all the templates mentioned.

Ariya dokumenna TemplateData ka'angghuy template nèka èghuna'aghi bi' VisualEditor tor alat laènna; see a monthly parameter usage report for this template in articles.

TemplateData untuk Tfluc-common-doc

Panèka maslèra sala sittong ḍâri serangkaian templat ka'angghuy ma'angghâl ikon panah ongghâ otabâ nyungsep. Increase {{Increase}} = {{IncreasePositive}} = {{ongghâ}} = {{Gain}} = {{Profit}} ya'ni panah ongghâ abârna èjhu. Cèṭa'an:Down {{Decrease}} = {{DecreaseNegative}} = {{Down}} = {{Loss}} ya'ni panah nyungsep abârna merah. Steady {{Steady}} = {{Nochange}} = {{Same}} ya'ni ghâris lasa ka'angghuy sobung obâ'ân. mon kuantitas sè taghâut kodhu èminimal'aghi (misalla kecelakaan lajhu taratas), ghuna'aghi Cèṭa'an:IncreaseNegative {{IncreaseNegative}} bân Cèṭa'an:DecreasePositive {{DecreasePositive}} minangka ghântèna, sè akan mabâli' bârna. mon kuantitas sè taghâut benni bârna, ghuna'aghi Cèṭa'an:IncreaseNeutral {{IncreaseNeutral}} bân Cèṭa'an:DecreaseNeutral {{DecreaseNeutral}}.

ka'angghuy halè otomatis ma'angghâl simbol sè atok akangsan nilaina, ghuna'aghi {{Fluctuation formatter}}.
Tooltip text1
Changes the text displayed on hover.
Defaults to something appropriate to the chosen template, such as "Increase".
Changes the size of the icon. Use when adjacent to small/large text.

Panèka maslèra sala sittong ḍâri serangkaian templat ka'angghuy ma'angghâl ikon panah ongghâ otabâ nyungsep. {{Increase}} = {{IncreasePositive}} = {{ongghâ}} = {{Gain}} = {{Profit}} ya'ni panah ongghâ abârna èjhu. :Cèṭa'an:Down {{Decrease}} = {{DecreaseNegative}} = {{Down}} = {{Loss}} ya'ni panah nyungsep abârna merah. {{Steady}} = {{Nochange}} = {{Same}} ya'ni ghâris lasa ka'angghuy sobung obâ'ân. mon kuantitas sè taghâut kodhu èminimal'aghi (misalla kecelakaan lajhu taratas), ghuna'aghi :Cèṭa'an:IncreaseNegative {{IncreaseNegative}} bân :Cèṭa'an:DecreasePositive {{DecreasePositive}} minangka ghântèna, sè akan mabâli' bârna. mon kuantitas sè taghâut benni bârna, ghuna'aghi :Cèṭa'an:IncreaseNeutral {{IncreaseNeutral}} bân :Cèṭa'an:DecreaseNeutral {{DecreaseNeutral}}. ka'angghuy halè otomatis ma'angghâl simbol sè atok akangsan nilaina, ghuna'aghi {{Fluctuation formatter}}.

Parameter templat

Templat ini lebih menyukai format parameter dalam satu baris.

Tooltip text1

Changes the text displayed on hover.

Defaults to something appropriate to the chosen template, such as "Increase".

Changes the size of the icon. Use when adjacent to small/large text.

Tak dikenalopsional

See also

[beccè' sombher]