Lompat ke isi


Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

Outputs each of the parameters separated by commas and, between the second last and last, the word " and " (this can be changed with the and= parameter). Any number of parameters may be specified.

It is intended for use by other templates to output a suitably formatted list when the number of parameters varies. Named parameters, except for those specified below, are discarded.

White space in parameters is discarded. To include white space, use a character entity reference or numeric character reference.

{{Enum|first|second|third| ... }}

The named parameters are:

after: The text to follow the final item. This might be a semicolon, for example. The default is to have no following text. This is not used if the list is empty (has no items).
and: The text to use where by default " and " is written. This may be overridden if there is a preference for a comma before the "and", or where it makes sense to write it in a language other than English, for example.
comma: The text to use between items except the last and one-before-last. If not specified, the default is ", ".
Any of the named parameters can be set empty; this differs from them not being present (i.e. use the default).


[beccè' sombher]

More examples are given in the test cases.

Input Output
{{Enum|A}} A
{{Enum|A|B}} A and B
{{Enum|A|B|C}} A, B and C
{{Enum|A|B|C|D}} A, B, C and D

See also

[beccè' sombher]