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Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

This template can be used to create simple, flexible coloured text background.

Please note that this is intended to be a decorative template and not for use on the general encyclopedia. It will not display on articles.

Wikipedia abounds in boxed templates, such as:

Boxes may not always be appropriate; they can be obtrusive. But when boxes are used, they are generally formatted ad hoc. This leads to inconsistencies.

{{Divbox}} provides a straightforward method of presenting any text within a box. Colors are selected using a private style keyword, which sets both box border and background, already chosen to work together, in a visual sense.

The keyword none puts your content inside an invisible box. This is available to offer the identical box model for your content, without a visible box.

This template may be used within another template; or as part of another page.

Template general syntax is as follows:



[beccè' sombher]
1 (Style)
Mandatory. Use any of the following:
You can forgo "1=", as long as this is the first unnamed parameter in the list.
2 (Title)
Optional. Plain text; appears strong and centered at top. You can forgo "2=", as long as this is the second unnamed parameter in the list.
3 (Content)
Mandatory. Any text, including markup, that is to form the body of the message. You can forgo "3=", as long as this is the third unnamed parameter in the list, and the content does not contain an equals sign (=).
Radius of the rounded edges, along with a valid unit, such as px, pt or em. The parameter works on styles that innately have both sharp or round edges, overriding their default edge roundness. You can forgo this entire parameter and its value; but if used, you cannot omit "radius=", which is case sensitive. However, like any named parameter, it may appear in any position (i.e. it does not need to be the last parameter).


[beccè' sombher]
What you see What you type
gray: {{divbox|gray|Lorem ipsum|Lorem ipsum dolor...}}
red: {{divbox|radius=5px|red|Lorem ipsum|Lorem ipsum dolor...}}
navy: {{divbox|radius=10px|navy|Lorem ipsum|Lorem ipsum dolor...}}
amber: {{divbox|radius=15px|amber|Lorem ipsum|Lorem ipsum dolor...}}
Without a border or background: {{divbox|none|Lorem ipsum|Lorem ipsum dolor...}}
Without title {{divbox|navy||Lorem ipsum dolor...}}
Content contains '=': {{divbox|lavender|Lorem ipsum|3=Lorem <span style="color:#F00;">ipsum</span> dolor...}}

Using subst: with this template

[beccè' sombher]

TemplateStyles' src attribute must not be empty.

The subst: atom may be used with {{divbox}}. This may be highly desirable. Note that subst: does not take effect in preview, but only after saving a page. The template's inclusion is replaced by the code of the template itself, which will continue to write the box as before, but without an additional server call.

Since {{divbox}} itself calls a template based on your choice of style keyword, you will find that even after saving an instance of use with subst: there remains a "live" call to the underlying style template. This means that viewing the page risks a server call to the style template, but also means that changes to the style template automatically propagate to all pages where it is used. This way, all {{divbox}}-type boxes, wherever they are in the project, keep the same consistent look.

Just paste in your content and, when you're finished, be sure to close the template call with }}.

Since the contents are given in the form of two parameter values, for the content you may place within {{divbox}}, the restrictions on parameter values apply. For example, if you put content that includes template calls, {{divbox}} cannot tell where its last parameter ends.

If the contents do not satisfy the restrictions, insert this code in your page first:


That is, choose your style and title as usual (or omit the title with two pipes), but instead of actual content, write "DUMMYCONTENT". Then, save the page and reopen it for editing. You'll see the box code in all its gory detail, and the placeholder DUMMYCONTENT, followed by the HTML division closing tag. Now, you may simply replace DUMMYCONTENT with your content, save, and move on. Since almost anything may be placed within division tags, this should not break no matter what you do.

Making new divbox styles

[beccè' sombher]

I'd rather hope you were able to find joy within the existing set of styles, but if not, you can create new ones. Follow these instructions to be sure your new style will "play nice" with {{divbox}}. Note that this requires some understanding of CSS.

  1. Experiment in a drawing program, such as GraphicConverter or Adobe Photoshop, and decide what colors you want for your new box style. You need to find out the HTML color codes for each color.
  2. Open an existing box style template, such as {{divbox/style/red}}. Copy out the code.
  3. Create a new box style template page. It must be located in main Template namespace and must be named Template:divbox/style/XXXXX, where "XXXXX" is your new style name.
  4. Paste in the "borrowed" code and replace the color codes with your new, chosen colors. Save the new template.
  5. Return to this Talk page and add your new style to this documentation. Remember, a job's not over until the paperwork is done!

Note that you may even change the division box margins and paddings. This is not recommended. There are a couple of good reasons for specifying these values, and in these units. Most users who "roll their own" make choices with unintended consequences; {divbox} is meant to help you avoid these pitfalls.

See also

[beccè' sombher]
Cèṭa'an:View There are seven metatemplates in the Module:Message box family:
  • {{Ambox}}, for messageboxes on article pages.
  • {{Cmbox}}, for messageboxes on category pages.
  • {{Imbox}}, for messageboxes on file (image) pages.
  • {{Tmbox}}, for messageboxes on talk pages.
  • {{Fmbox}}, for header and footer messageboxes.
  • {{Ombox}}, for messageboxes on other types of page.
  • {{Mbox}}, for messageboxes that are used in different namespaces and change their presentation accordingly.

Closely related metatemplates:

  • {{Asbox}}, for messageboxes in article stubs.
  • {{Dmbox}}, for messageboxes on disambiguation or set-index pages.
  • {{Ivmbox}}, a simple full-width box with default ivory background intended to frame important messages or notices.